5 Top Tips To Reduce Single Use Plastic In Your Home

5 Top Tips To Reduce Single Use Plastic In Your Home

Climate change has become a pressing problem globally. Groups of scientists worldwide even staged protests recently to make the world listen, especially large corporations who are causing the majority of the damage.

Nonetheless, as individuals, we can all do our part in helping save our environment. One of the best ways to do so is by reducing single-use plastic in our homes. Here are five tips you can consider to start this eco-conscious journey:

Stock Up on Reusable Shopping Bags

First things first, you should buy a few reusable shopping bags and place them inside your everyday handbag or backpack. This way, you won’t forget them when you purchase food and other items from your local grocery store or restaurant and won’t need to unnecessarily end up with a plastic bag.

Invest in Reusable Household Items

Aside from reusable shopping bags, you can also make the switch to a green household through reusable containers. Glass bottles are versatile and can accommodate many things, depending on the size you buy. Opt for reusable drink containers as well, whether for water or other types of beverages.

If you’re a coffee-lover, you can invest in reusable filters for your brewing machine. There are also reusable capsules if you have a coffee-making machine. For tea lovers, it’s better to choose loose leaf tea and place it in a tea strainer rather than buying individual tea bags, which are thrown right after use.

Sponges are also sneaky plastics that can be easily replaced with a green alternative. You can opt for natural sponges, such as loofahs, which you can use for a longer period and are biodegradable.

Beeswax wraps can replace plastic sandwich bags and can be used as a food covering as well. You can also invest in silicone covers for food containers or glass lunch boxes for make-ahead meals.

Shop at Local Bulk Shops

Once you have reusable jars, bottles, and bags, you can head to your local bulk shop to purchase items without plastic containers. These stores work by weighing the items you want to buy and placing them in your reusable containers. You save money by reducing the overall cost of the items while doing your part in saving the environment.

You can buy various things in bulk shops. Pantry items are the most prevalent, such as legumes, grains, cereals, herbs, spices, coffee, and chocolate. You can also refill wet food ingredients like oil, vinegar, and honey. Some stores also have shampoo, soaps, dishwashing liquids, and other cleaning solutions.

Upcycle Glass and Plastic Containers

If you have glass and plastic containers lying around, you should give them another chance to be useful and upcycle them. For glass jars, like mayonnaise or peanut butter, you can remove the label and use them to hold different items in your home.

Plastic water bottles, on the other hand, can be upcycled as kitchen storage containers, bird feeders, and even drip irrigators for your garden. With a little research and creativity, we can make the most of your plastic containers and avoid filling up the landfills.

Use No-Waste Cleaning Solutions

There are eco-conscious brands out there doing their best to help save the environment. Our all-natural refillable cleaning and hand wash tablets, for example, are delivered to your home with no single-use plastic packaging and are easy to store and use in our reusable aluminium and glass bottles.

Simply drop one tablet into one of our reusable Lifetime Bottles, add water, let it fizz, and you’re armed with a super effective, eco-friendly cleaning product.


Single-use plastics harm our environment. We can all do our part to save our planet by refusing them and opting for reusable household items instead. Follow us for more tips to boost home sustainability!

- Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash